| Sermon Thought by PKD Lee |

Jesus said that He is the light of the world (John 8:12). The psalmist said that God’s word is a light to him (Psalm 119:105)
How can the light of Jesus shine to the world when they do not know Him, nor do they seek him? The alternative is the word of God which is the light of God to the world. But then most do not read the Bible, both in the church and outside it, so how can the Light shine?
Jesus said in John 1 that darkness tries to suppress the light, but fails. Is that true? In an era where spiritualism has taken over religion, has the light of Jesus been supressed? Jesus inaugurated the kingdom of God so that the Light would not be extinguished with His departure at the Ascension. He poured out His Spirit on the church, and then sent them out to continue to be lights in the world, to those who are not a part of the church nor do they read the Bible.
What they read is us, our motivations, our reactions, our responses, our behaviour. We are the light to the world. Jesus said that even as the Father sent Me, I send you (John 17:18). So, what do we do?
Our primary light is our lifestyle and behaviour. Love needs to be the way we relate to the world around us. The way we forgive those who harm us and relate with people is our primary witness. Even when we have authority, we serve and do not dominate others (1 Pet 5:3)
Our secondary witness is our words. through which we share Christian world views and perspectives and the narrative of the cross.
Our final witness is the love we have within the fellowship of the kingdom of God as Jesus says in John 13:34-35.