| Sermon Summary by PKD Lee |

While living in this world, we face numerous issues which make life difficult for us. Often, we feel that we cannot deal with the issues. Much like Saul and his army at the threats of Goliath in 1 Samuel 17.
In sharp contrast to Saul and his army, David does not get perturbed by Goliath but sees him as someone who is insulting the Israelites and Yahweh. Where does David get this equanimity from?
The first is his identity, of who he is. He saw himself as a member of the Lord’s army, and not someone who is insignificant. As we go through life, do we see ourselves as a part of the Lord’s army and not just a nobody? To face the trials in life, this sense of identity is essential.
How did David build this sense of identity? He had not fought wars or Philistines before. This identity was built through time in doing impossible things with God. David had fought lions and bears with the help of God and come out victorious. This sense of identity comes when we live our daily lives with the power of the Holy Spirit.
This does not necessarily mean doing dramatically difficult things, but things as easy as loving your enemy! We get small and large victories in living in the realm of the impossible by the power of God. Again, the realm of the impossible does not mean what is physically impossible, but what seems impossible to you, like loving your enemies.
Secondly, David did not copy others. He did not try and battle Goliath with armour and a sword, like most people do. He knew his traits and what he was good at and used that. He was an expert with the sling shot and so used that rather than the normal weapons.
He also used his intellect. Taking on someone much stronger and bigger than you, you avoid hand to hand combat but use long distance tactics. So, he used the slingshot to win his battle.
We live in difficult times, and there are many giants around us. Find your identity and confidence in Christ and begin to live in the realm of the impossible today.