| Sermon Thought by Racheeta Nayak |

This topic of forgiveness we are learning has taught me so much.
Forgiving a person can seem impossible especially when you have been wronged over and over again . There is chaos, anger and distrust which paralyses the ability to find some amount of love for that person. What can you do in a situation like that? Should you wait until that person sets things right with you and then forgive? No, you forgive even in that mess just the way it is, even if there is no hope of reconciliation .
Oftentimes when you are suffering, God doesn’t leave a chance to teach you a lesson. It doesn’t matter how exhausted you are .We see a similar situation in the book of Jonah. It was nerve-wracking for Jonah to watch God forgive the people of Nineveh after all that he had gone through to reach these people. God used the plant that gave him shade to teach him a lesson. Sometimes it feels unfair the way God works but ultimately it’s for our Good . Are you able to be at peace when you see God forgive and bless the one who has hurt you or are you angry at God for being the merciful God that he is?
Have you ever foolishly thought to yourself why is God so merciless? Trials after trials even when life is at its worst? Well I have.
It’s a good thing when we face trials because sadly that’s the only way we recognize the voice that calms the storm . Sometimes God has to shake us, leave us empty handed to help us refocus on him.
We have experienced mercy from the Almighty. Now it’s our turn to show mercy to the ones who don’t practice it by forgiving them.
Don’t compare yourself to anyone on this earth, my dear brothers and sisters in Christ .We have to strive to be more like Jesus; he’s our role model.
Our Lord was beaten, humiliated ,dragged and nailed onto the cross . I don’t have the right words to describe the brutality and yet he says
‘Father forgive them for they know not what they do’.
This here is Agape – selfless love
The most powerful Love of all.