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Am I a disciple?

By Prem Lee.

James in his epistle makes it very clear that our faith is reflected in the life we lead. If it does not show, it means that faith is not there.

Some Christians want to accept Jesus as their Saviour but not their Lord. In other words, they want to live for themselves and not for Jesus, but with Jesus as their God.

Their life does not show the faith that they claim to have.

Salvation cost God the life of His only begotten Son and was costly for God. While we may be free from the consequence of disobedience, we are still called to live by the principles stated in the Law of God.

However, this also can lead to a trap, where I live my life, doing what I want to do, but observing the Laws and values that Jesus taught. But that is not the response Jesus called for. Jesus was categorical in Matt 16:24-28 that whoever wants to follow Him must deny himself. This means he has to die to self and live for Jesus.

We have to turn away from the things we desired and lived for, and begin to desire and live for the things of God. Because discipleship is costly, Jesus tells us to evaluate the cost and to make the hard decision to pay the cost of discipleship. Discipleship leads to a change of direction in my life and that is not easy. I have to leave the familiar and go into new territory.

To obey the commands and teachings of Jesus can be costly. We may have to give up many things we like to do. We may have to give many things as we do not pay the bribes and follow the sinful ways of the world. How do we obtain the courage to do this?

This can be done by becoming dependent on God in our life. The Holy Spirit takes control of our life and leads us in the paths of God. The Holy Spirit empowers us to live the life God wants us to lead. Our life becomes full of God’s peace and presence. The concept of having paid a cost vanishes and is replaced with a sense of privilege.

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