By Jerritta
“If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you--you of little faith?” Matt 6:30
A week before the first lockdown, we had some renovation work happening in our apartment. As our balcony did not have enough of space for the work, we moved some of our plants and empty pots from the balcony to the terrace. I did think I should water my plants in the terrace, but neither did I go upstairs nor water them!
Two of the pots had the Easter Lily plants, which never ever bloomed in my balcony. Ever since the plants were there with me, I used to wonder what was happening to my Easter Lily. I tried multiple ways to make it flower but none of them had worked! These pots were now up in the hot sun of Chennai. With the lockdown and multiple things happening, I never worried or thought about the pots that were upstairs!
April became May and May became June and the lock down continued. The pots were drying and drying too! Two weeks ago, with the idea of doing some repotting and gardening, I decided to bring a few pots down and what I saw amazed me! The Easter Lily pot had a small shoot popping up… Aah!! I still couldn’t believe it because this is happening during the desert like conditions… after 3 months of being in the scorching sun and with zero watering!!
With all enthusiasm I brought them down and what I thought as leaves were actually buds. Another shoot popped up and again it was also a bud. Wow! and when I see these blooms, I am reminded of the hope we have despite our circumstances!
Today, with another stringent lockdown, though the conditions around us may be dry and desert like… let us be reminded that there is always a hope! The hope that God is in control of the situation around us, He is mindful of us and He will take us through! God who takes care of the grass of the fields will take care of each one of us!
Isaiah says, “See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.” Isaiah 43:19
As we look forward to a new normal, let us hold on to the faith and hope that we have in Jesus, that He will carry us through!